Benefits of Seasonal Living

Benefits of Seasonal Living

Seasonal living, is the purposeful way of life that allows someone to enjoy each season and get the most out of every part of the year. Is is natural for us to want to live seasonally, but in our busy world it takes focus and planning to make it happen. There are a few, large benefits to living by the seasons.

Seasonal Living keeps you grounded. Experiencing life in the moment forces you to slow down and enjoy your place in the world. Enjoy those hot summer days in a way that makes you happy, maybe you like to cool down by swimming in a lake or would you prefer a cold movie theater? What about a crisp Fall day? Winter? Spring? Following seasons, weather patterns, holidays, and traditions creates joyful experiences. Focus on enjoying each seasons and the traditions that go along with it. Rake up your leaves in Fall and jump in the pile, go snow shoeing in Winter, splash in puddles in the Spring, and get some sun on your skin in the Summer.

Seasonal Living is healthy! It is no coincidence that citrus fruits are in season in the Winter. You need extra Vitamin C to stay healthy during cold and flu season and nature provides the answer. Living with the natural rhythms of the earth are good for your body and soul. The biggest and easiest way that living seasonally benefits your health is when you eat seasonally. When you eat in season you are giving your body the most nutritious food possible. Listen to your body! In Winter enjoy warm comfort foods thick with vegetables and in the summer feast on the fresh berries available.

Seasonal Living is fun! If you purposefully slow down and enjoy each season I promise you will experience new things that you might have missed out on if you refused to change your routine. Increasing your seasonal awareness can give your life purpose. If you like to craft, cook, write, hike, whatever you like to do, adjust it to match the theme of the season. If you like to craft, craft along with holidays, whatever holidays you follow. It will force you out of your safe zone and make you try new things. Maybe you like to write, go on a nature walk and write about what you see, be inspired by nature. If you like to cook, cook with what is available seasonally. These are just a few ways that living seasonally can help you have new experiences. New experiences cause growth and will help you understand yourself.

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