Why You Should Grow Your Own Food

Why You Should Grow Your Own Food

It’s therapeutic – Work, exerting physical energy, and completing projects can be therapeutic. When you grow food you get to be outside, breathe in the fresh air (hopefully), get your hands dirty, and watch things grow. Gardening allows people to create something that satisfies a powerful sense, taste. knowing that you created something, that is useful and beautiful, is incredibly satisfying.


It’s delicious – You don’t know what food tastes like until you eat it straight from the garden. There is definitely a difference in taste between food freshly picked and  food from the supermarket. Once you eat food straight from your garden you won’t want to go back.


It’s a great activity – Gardening is fun! If you only take on what you can handle gardening can be really fun. Enjoy the process of taking care of it, watering, weeding, rotating, picking, and finally, eating. Add the educational aspect if you are gardening with kids and you have a season long learning opportunity. Teaching kids about where there food comes from is incredibly important as it fosters healthy eating habits.


It’s good for the environment – You know the phrase “eat local”? Growing your own food is the best way to eat local. Your food is not being sprayed with anything, its not being shipped hundreds of miles, it is exactly what you want it to be. To grow food you are taking care of the earth and the earth rewards you with delicious sustenance.


It’s healthier – Did you know nutrients in food start to break down and bacteria starts to grow immediately after it is picked? This is why produce needs to be canned within 48 hours of picking. If you grow your own food, you can pick it when you are ready to eat it, therefore more nutrients for you!


More food diversity – If you buy food from a store you only get one or a few options. One type of whatever berry, a few variety of potatoes and onions, one type of brussel sprout, artichoke, rhubarb, etc… Growing food gives you so many more options to choose from. It is amazing how many types of fruit and vegetable species there are. Have fun selecting exactly which seeds are best for you based on your use for the product.

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