The yelling, oy!

The yelling, oy!

I have been yelling “stop yelling” nonstop lately. It must be the winter hibernation period. We leave the house, but there has been a serious lack of exercise, kid wise at least. They are going nuts! Little wild animals loose in my house running and pillaging, everything from snacks to tampons. Of course they can’t run around like the little monsters they are without making a noise while doing so. AND Of course its a horrible noise, the most annoying screaming noises I have ever heard. It is not just the older two, the baby is at full experimental level with her vocal chords. At least she evens out the yelling with cute coos; the elders only combine their incessant screaming and shrieking with requests on repeat.


It’s Hanukkah! My kids are amazing but during this eight days of gifts and fun experiences we are providing them they are still asking for stuff. Don’t they know to turn that off during Hanukkah so that they don’t sound like ungrateful assholes? It is the baby’s and our new dogs first Hanukkah. Marigold has really enjoyed chewing on wax candles, I think that is her favorite part of the Holiday. Tater is a big fan of Latkes, though I don’t think there is a food that he wouldn’t enjoy.


Geez, we have a lot of menorahs. Tonight will be night three and just the first two nights were a long frustrated candle lighting ceremony.

Where is the lighter?

Don’t burn yourself!

You are lighting it in the wrong order.

I need another candle.

This damn thing wont light.

Do we have more candles?

Don’t burn yourself!

The candle wont stand up in here.

There is wax everywhere!

Oh my fucking G-d just burn yourself if you aren’t going to listen!!!! (ok, not this one, but I was thinking it)

In my never ending mission of trying to bond with the children and create beautiful memories I have created a baking goal that we are working on together. I bought The Beekman 1802 Heirloom Dessert Cookbook and the plan is to bake our way through the whole book beginning to end. We made a Lemon Meringue this past weekend. I have never made one before and it was easier then I thought. Lots of steps but on the easier side. It was fun for the girls to make but when it came time to eat, they were not feeling it. That’s ok, more for the husband and me!


In other news, MY BABY IS TURNING ONE SOON! Isn’t that crazy! It snuck up on me so quickly that I am behind on planning. Invitations are hopefully coming in the mail today and I will hopefully get all of them addressed and on their way tomorrow. Yes I ordered personalized paper invitations. I have decided on a pastel rainbow and unicorn theme with some gold glitter thrown in. I hate to do an on trend them, the unicorns, but there is so much cute stuff! Today I started working on a flower O-N-E that I can use as party decor and for her one year photos. BUT I ran out of flowers, ugh! Isn’t it looking pretty!?


Watching: The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Victoria

Reading: Call Me By Your Name, Andre Aciman

Craving: Sleep

Hating: My cuticles

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