Summer 2017 Bucket List

As I am writing this, it is snowing outside. It is hopefully the last time this season, the long term weather forecast shows the daily temperature climbing to the 50’s and staying there! But you never know, it is Minnesota.

It is insane how early summer planning starts. Our summer vacation to Badlands National Park was booked in November, the girls were signed up for camp in February, and in March the eldest was registered for July T-Ball. All of this early planning has led me to thinking about all the things I want to do this summer that we did last year and the things we missed. Always the planner, I started a list.

  1. Big Willow Park I have heard great things about this Minnetonka based park; beautiful with lots of short trails and a great place for the littles to play in Minnehaha Creek. We have never gone, even though we can walk here from our house. I repeat, WE CAN WALK HERE FROM OUR HOUSE. By the end of the summer I want to know everything about this park and I want the girls to love going.
  2. Minnetonka City Events Continuing with the Minnetonka theme are the local summer events. I am talking about the movies in the park, music in the park, and the farmer’s market. I want to spend more time enjoying the free events our city puts on in the summer. The farmer’s market is also close enough to walk to, we have to go.
  3. Creep on the Minnetonka Public Garden Plots I saw in a local publication that the city of Minnetonka has public garden plots available for use. After spending all winter garden panning and ordering too many plants I think it would be a lot of fun to see what other gardeners are up to. Maybe we will get some ideas or inspiration!
  4. Twins Game This is nothing new, but for sure a summer essential. Baseball and summer go hand and hand. I did so much Cubs baseball brainwashing during the World Series last year that the girls get very excited about anything baseball. Parenting win!
  5. Saints Game More baseball, but something new. I have never been to a St. Paul Saints game. Ill have to check their schedule early to make sure that we get to one of their family friendly, themed games.
  6. Raspberry Festival This festival takes place in our neighboring city of Hopkins and is over a week long. There are tons of events but so far I have my eye on the kids fun run and the street fair.
  7. Hemker Zoo I recently heard about this Zoo which is located 1.5 hours NorthWest of the metro. They have tons of animals, including penguins, kangaroos, giraffes, zebras, and lemurs. This will end up being a fun weekend day trip.
  8. Take the Girls Fishing This is more my husbands then mine, there is no way I am touching a fish, but I do love to watch. Little kids look so cute with fishing poles, and their excitement when they catch something is contagious. Plus there are the educational benefits of patience, fish species, and fish anatomy.
  9. Minnesota Arboretum I fell in love with the arboretum a couple years ago, but now that we live close I want to make it a regular trip during the warm season. I already have us signed up for one of their preschool age learning days and I plan on getting an annual pass. I am hoping that we make it there enough times that we are able to watch it grow and transform from Spring, to Summer, to Fall.
  10. Camping Trip I would love for us to go camping a couple times a month but with everything else we have going on, plus a baby, I will be happy with at least one trip. It is already booked so fingers crossed it goes well!
  11. Raise Frogs, Butterflies, Praying Mantis We have raised butterflies in the past, and will do so again because they are fun and easy, but did you know you can also buy and hatch a praying mantis egg??? I really hope we can make this happen, and on top of the coolness, they will be a handy addition to the garden. Frogs are something else I have been wanting to do for a while. I will be collecting frog eggs from a neighborhood pond, and raising them through the tadpole phase to full fledged frogs. Frogs are also helpful to have in the garden as they will eat bugs. We have had great success ordering fro Insect Lore in the past and will be using their products again.
  12. Pizza Farm What’s a pizza farm you ask? It’s a farm that grows their own ingredients to make unique and fresh pizza! I heard about one just outside the metro area last summer but we never made it down. I am going to make sure it happens this year. What sounds better then just made pizza with fresh ingredients, in a cozy farm environment, and chowing down while listening to live music?
  13. Minnesota’s Largest Candy Store This store is located southwest of the metro in Jordan. As you can tell, they have tons of candy, as well as pop, pies, and apples if you go in the Fall. You can spend a couple hours in the store looking at all the fun stuff.
  14. Art Fair We need to hit up at least one art fair. I always save a couple in my Facebook events but don’t actually end up going. I have my eye on Art-A-Whirl and the Stone Arch Bridge Festival, but if this is your thing keep an eye out for smaller, local, art fairs. You never know what you will find.
  15. Flea Market I have never been to a flea market in Minnesota, I have no idea where one is, but I will find you! Have you ever watched Flea Market Flip? If you haven’t, you should. They find outdated items and turn them into treasure. I have this visionary ability, much to the husbands dismay, and would love to walk around a flea market imagining what I could do with the hodge podge of items.
  16. Food Truck Dinners We did this two summers ago; I stalked a few food trucks and we would hunt them down and try new dishes. It was awesome! This needs to happen again! And you should do it too! It is a lot of fun and you are supporting small businesses. There is a Food Truck Festival that happens once a year, and we tried to go once, but it was so packed we couldn’t get a stroller in and the trucks were selling out of food fast. It’s better to avoid the crowds and go after the trucks individually.
  17. Minnesota Garlic Festival Another singular food festival west of the metro in Hutchinson that takes place in August. We have never been but this seems like a great fit for our garlic loving family. I cannot wait to try the garlic ice cream!
  18. Cabin Trip This is a necessary on our to do list. We are extremely lucky to have access to a family cabin Up North near Lake Mille Lacs. There is no better way to clear your head then to get away from the cities and spend time in a cabin on a lake.
  19. Hiking Being from California, my feelings toward hiking in Minnesota are  pretty low. Most hikes are flat and are actually just a walk around a lake. And the bugs! Hiking in humidity and while being eaten alive, not so fun. But! I have an obligation to teach my kids to love hiking; therefore, this is a priority. Last summer we joined a group called Hike It Baby for a few child led hikes and my hope is that this summer we will make it to more.
  20. Minnesota State Fair Obvs.

A Minnesota Summer summed up in one photo!


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