Planning to Fail is a sign of Success

Everything has been going great! I am down 48 pounds total! Though that might change over the next few days; you will soon find out why. I have truly come to understand that food is not worth it. No food is worth going back to where I was, weighing in the high 230’s and incredibly uncomfortable. I hated the way I looked and I was starting to have difficulty doing things that I loved. I reached my breaking point and I recovered. 

I am starting to become quite vain. I have a lot of fun getting dressed and am a little obsessed with how I look. I love showing off my new body! And I love that I feel that way, what a great feeling! I still have 20+ pounds to go to reach goal weight but I am so happy with where I am right now. I fantasized about being at this point in my weight loss for a long time and now I am here!

When I reached 48 pounds I found myself at a new milestone. I now have lost what both of my children weigh. Aurora’s 29 pounds plus Catalina’s 19 pounds = 48. When I look at them and imagine their mass molded onto my body it is hard to believe that I let myself get that big. Here is my celebratory photo!


In other news it is State Fair season in Minnesota. There are other things to do at the fair besides eat delicious fried food on a stick, but everybody know its all about the food. I gave myself a free day. The first I have had since I started this journey. I didn’t go crazy in that I ate a lot of one thing. But I did have a few bites of a lot of different things and that added up! I tried to break away from my favorites and try new things. Like this Macaroni and Cheese Cupcake with Cheez Wiz “Frosting”. 


My daily allotted points are 32.

Total points eaten on fair day = 109!!! Wow!

I am not upset I ate that many, I planned to fail. Even on “bad” weight watchers days I feel good if I planned to fail. I enjoyed a great day with my family and friends, I tried new foods, and watched my kids enjoy new experiences. Eating with your family at the fair for one day a year is so much healthier than daily binge eating alone in your house. 


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