A New Beginning

Today is my husbands last day at his job where he has been employed for the past six years. He was offered this job right out of college when so few people were finding jobs. We saw it as a miracle! We were so thankful then and in the long run we are so incredibly thankful for this job. However. My husband has not enjoyed his work in a loooooong time. If ever. He has been applying for jobs off and on for the past three years with no bites. The mistreatment he went through at his soon to be old place of business combined with all of the rejected applications was rough on him. It caused stress, self doubt, and a stuck feeling. Add with the pressure of being the sole breadwinner it is amazing he made it this long. I have given so many pep talks over the past few years to keep him going. I love him and will always support him.

When your partner doesn’t like their work, they bring home a lot of that stress. It is hard on the entire family. I feel that it has been, and will continue to be, my job to reduce as much stress as possible. I embrace it, I cook and clean, and try to act like a “proper” housewife. And some days he has to cook and clean. I want to take care of my man and my family. 

He starts his new job on Monday and most importantly it is a change. He needs a change so badly! He will be working for a very large company and it is his dream job! He needed this, we needed this. I am so incredibly happy and excited for him. Good things are happening!


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