Why Husbands Make Crappy Housewives

Once I became a stay at home mom I went through this cycle, for too long, where I would expect my husband to give me a break on the weekend. I thought this “break” would consist of him taking care of the baby and house, leaving me free to relax and do my own activities. I dreamed of the house being clean and myself feeling relaxed and rested come Monday morning.

And every damn Monday I was disappointed. Every single fucking Monday. 

It wears on you, makes you dread the weekend, it makes you “feel” like you never get a break. At one point I confided in a good friend and she was able to shed some light on the situation. I had to change my mindset. If I went to his work to do his job i wouldn’t be able to handle it. There is no way I could do his job, so why should I expect him to be able to do mine? Running a household seems like something anybody could do, but to run it efficiently, that takes practice. Partners that work a full time job, don’t get that practice. 

Now, I go into the weekend with lowered expectations, and it has changed everything! Now that I understand that my husband is not as awesome as me, I welcome the weekend. I can back off a little on the weekend, take it a little easy, but I can’t depend on him to do EVERYTHING! He doesn’t even know what everything is. I can’t do his job and he can’t do mine. 

If you are like the old me you have to let it go. Let go of the fantasy where you spouse can handle everything. They can’t do it. Instead make a reasonable list for them to complete or ask them to take the kid(s) while you do housework. To have a really great weekend the best thing to do is get all the housework done during the week so you can enjoy more time with your spouse. 

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