I have had a lot of people ask me if I am bored as a stay at home mom. No I am not, not at all. I am not a Stay At Home Mom, I am a Go Out and Do Awesome Things With My Kids Mom.

I quickly realized after my first daughter was born that I needed to find something to keep us busy. I spent the first eight months of her life trying different moms groups on Meetup. That worked for a little while but I quickly became frustrated with the high turn over of members and unreliable RSVP lists. There were too many times where I would show up at an event multiple people were supposed to be attending and find myself alone. I don’t want to hate on Meetup because it really is a great site, but the mom groups at that time were not what I was looking for.

It was at one of these Meetup events that someone recommended I try a MOMS Club.

*Cue the angelic music*

I joined immediately and was quickly embraced by an amazing group of women. MOMS Club is an International organization that supports “stay at home” moms. There are chapters with their own Executive Boards organized by geographic location with people within the organization watching over and guiding these chapters. It is very organized and has a very clear purpose. Those were my two biggest complaints with Meetup groups.

Every chapter is different BUT mine is amazing. I have formed  many new and rewarding relationships for myself and for my girls. I have kept us busy and have gifted my children with rewarding experiences that I believe will help make them into the adults I want them to be. I urge you, if you are a “stay at home” mom, to check out MOMS Club International and look for a chapter near you.


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