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Living Life Seasonally

Living Life Seasonally

Saving Summer It’s beautiful out, take advantage. What? That was not a phrase I had heard often before moving to Minnesota. In Southern California almost everyday is beautiful, and the weather rarely keeps you inside. Now that I was in the midwest I heard that […]

Why You Should Grow Your Own Food

Why You Should Grow Your Own Food

Saving Summer It’s therapeutic – Work, exerting physical energy, and completing projects can be therapeutic. When you grow food you get to be outside, breathe in the fresh air (hopefully), get your hands dirty, and watch things grow. Gardening allows people to create something that […]

Winter Baking

Winter Baking

Saving Summer As I have said before, we are working our way through The Beekman 1802 Heirloom Dessert Cookbook. One of the reasons why I chose this book is because it is organized by seasons. Anything arranged seasonally appeals to me. Maybe it is because […]

Tu B’Shevat and the Moon

Tu B’Shevat and the Moon

Saving Summer Tu B’Shevat, a Jewish holiday,  is the New Year for trees. The day is used to calculate the age of a tree, it is essentially all trees Birthday because they all age one year on this day. It comes from when one was […]

Postcards and Brownies

Postcards and Brownies

Saving Summer I went overboard with Shabbat dinner last week. I NEVER make a dairy dinner but I made an exception this week to allow for a dairy dessert and to switch things up. On the menu was stuffed shells, eggplant caponata, gnocchi marsala, minestrone […]

Where To Plant Your Garden

Where To Plant Your Garden

Saving Summer The first step when planning a vegetable garden is where to put it. You have to work with what you’ve got. Anybody can garden, whether you have a small balcony or a few acres. Understanding your space will help you understand what you […]

Things to Consider When Ordering from Seed Catalogs

Things to Consider When Ordering from Seed Catalogs

Saving Summer It’s January when the seed catalogs usually start coming in. So many! All the plants and food looks so pretty and fresh. You want to grow it all! Before you start acting like a crazy plant lady/man and ordering all the seeds and […]

Hot Chocolate Leveled Up

Hot Chocolate Leveled Up

Saving Summer I did it. I filled a tube with spit. It was so hard you guys. Disgusting. I gagged a few times. I had to read a book while I was filling it to distract myself, but geez was it gross. I have been […]

The Baby is One!

The Baby is One!

Saving Summer The baby had a birthday! She is one! It is more an accomplishment for me, than her. I want to say the year went so fast, that is what everybody says. But it didn’t! A year… seemed about a year long. This kid […]

Freezing Toes and Making Pie

Freezing Toes and Making Pie

Saving Summer A couple weeks ago we started family Hebrew Lessons. A lot of people have asked me why; it’s hard to explain because the answer feels obvious. I’m Jewish, I am raising Jewish children, of course I want to learn Hebrew. A better answer […]