
Starting Seeds Indoors

Starting Seeds Indoors

Saving Summer Seeds If you need help choosing seeds please read my post Things to Consider When Ordering From Seed Catalogs. Don’t waste your time with seeds older than 2 0r 3 years. If you have extra seeds place them in an airtight container with […]

How to Plan Your Summer Garden

How to Plan Your Summer Garden

Saving Summer It is Winter still but Spring is on the way, as demonstrated by all the ladybugs in my house 🙂 Now is the time that you should be planning your garden, so get to work! Keep in mind, through the entire planning process, […]

We Are Building a Greenhouse

We Are Building a Greenhouse

Saving Summer We are very excited to say that we are expecting… a Greenhouse! Like most of my ideas, the idea of a greenhouse started out very small. Stage 1 was a small lean-to on the back of our garage. Stage 2 was a larger […]

Why You Should Grow Your Own Food

Why You Should Grow Your Own Food

Saving Summer It’s therapeutic – Work, exerting physical energy, and completing projects can be therapeutic. When you grow food you get to be outside, breathe in the fresh air (hopefully), get your hands dirty, and watch things grow. Gardening allows people to create something that […]

Where To Plant Your Garden

Where To Plant Your Garden

Saving Summer The first step when planning a vegetable garden is where to put it. You have to work with what you’ve got. Anybody can garden, whether you have a small balcony or a few acres. Understanding your space will help you understand what you […]

Things to Consider When Ordering from Seed Catalogs

Things to Consider When Ordering from Seed Catalogs

Saving Summer It’s January when the seed catalogs usually start coming in. So many! All the plants and food looks so pretty and fresh. You want to grow it all! Before you start acting like a crazy plant lady/man and ordering all the seeds and […]

Garden Update #5

Saving Summer Time for a garden update! Well past time, it is mid summer and the garden is in full swing. The 32 tomato plants are all fully grown and beyond, falling over with the weight of green tomatoes. The cucumber plants are climbing and […]

Garden Update #4

Saving Summer Our garden is slowly waking up. Everyday there is a little more color, a video would not have done it justice. This photo update shows the true beauty of Spring colors. AND it gave me the opportunity to play with my new lens […]

Our 2017 Seedlings

Saving Summer We have tried a few times in the past to grow from seeds and it has failed. Every time. This year, with the massive size of our garden we agreed it was worth it to try again. Growing from seeds allows you to […]

Garden Update 2017 #3

Saving Summer [wpdevart_youtube]cvoPJoFT_aA[/wpdevart_youtube]   This week my amazing and beautiful assistant helped me. She is the new Vanna White! If I let her she would get sucked into the YouTube vortex for days, so she was thrilled to help me make a video. New This […]